Thursday, December 26, 2024

Get Energized

by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner

Spring is finally coming. Use that anticipation to get off the couch and into action …

Start to defrost.
Start to defrost.

It’s been a long, cold winter. As usual, we are ready to spring forward. The sky is brighter for longer. Stray bulbs begin to sprout through the earth. Stores are displaying rain jackets, umbrellas, and the most motivating attire of the year– swimsuits.

The shift from winter to spring takes some energy. We need to shed the heaviness of winter– coats, comfort-food weight gain, and perhaps mood. Not easy when winter’s sleepy mentality still blankets us. Try these proven successes to enter spring with stamina.

Power Boosters

  • Take time for stretches. Try this stimulating stretch: Stand in a doorway with feet several inches apart. Grab the sides of the frame with your fingers. Lean chest forward until you feel a stretch in your torso or back. Hold 30 seconds. Also, ask a Center yoga instructor for specific poses to increase stamina.
  • Refresh!

    Enjoy a sugar high from nature. Fresh fruit can be your afternoon slump-buster. Add it to ice water for a hydrating energizer.

  • Laugh out loud. A hearty laugh reduces tension and opens airway passages. Splurge a few minutes on surfing the Internet for something funny. You’ll increase long-term productivity.
  • Take a break. Go for a workout. Under a tight deadline? Climb some stairs or walk around the building. A personal trainer can share take-away exercises to do anywhere, for an efficient session in between Center visits. S/he can help make the most of your breaks! Leaving your desk or project allows you to return refreshed, in better physical and mental shape.
  • Pilates for posture? You bet!
    Pilates for posture?             You bet!

    Don’t focus on fatigue. You already know if you are tired. Instead, try to focus on your posture. Proper posture helps you look and feel alert. You are not just fooling your brain. Good posture improves lung performance and oxygen levels, which makes you less tired. Consider a Pilates class, known to enhance posture and breathing.

  • Schedule routine physician exams. Be sure everything within is working at its peak by keeping baselines, diagnostic testing, and blood counts current.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Include foods rich in protein, fiber, and omega-3s to keep you satisfied and energized.

These power boosters deliver the jolt needed for the biggest energizer of all: Your workout. Do what it takes to get you to the Center. Then, let the energy come to you!

It’s time to come out of hibernation!


“Is Caffeine Good for My Workouts?” by Paige Waehner at

“8 Tips to Instantly Boost Your Energy,” by Sarah Jio at

 Image Credits

Awakening lake:

Fruit water:

Emerging bear:


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