Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Power-Full Mini Workout

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by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner

In only 10-minute intervals, workouts can become part of your healthy lifestyle. Go beyond the one-and-done to maximize fitness results and improve well-being …

Your Post-Workout Hours

Standard one-hour workouts get results. You execute a formal exercise plan, tackle all the basics, and evolve the program as needed. Success is evident after every sweat session in healthy muscle exhaustion, increased stamina, and improved mood. But then, what?

What happens before/after your Center visit? Is fitness a lifestyle? Or, is it compartmentalized, along with that healthy breakfast you followed with a day of junk food? Research proves how we spend non-exercise hours has significant impact on our health. Give your workout some well-deserved follow-up.

Mini-Workouts Make Fitness Happen

Many mistakenly believe workouts need to be executed a certain way, with strict requirements for length, location, and even attire. (You wouldn’t be the first to skip a workout because you’re out of clean gym shorts.) Although true to an extent, the flexibility of mini-workouts makes them less overwhelming and demanding.

Fit in a mini Group Fitness class!

You can inject them throughout busy days to remain committed to your healthy lifestyle—and feel good in the process. Plus, a well-executed mini can be more effective than an hour-long workout rushed in poor form.

Group Fitness sometimes offers mini-classes during the summer. Schedules are adjusted to offer condensed favorites. This allows participants to accomplish a quick workout before kicking off summer fun.

Modify a version of your favorite fitness class. Download one of the songs. Later, press play and enjoy your own private class anytime, anywhere. Ask a trainer for a takeaway program to complement your Center workout. Nail it during your lunch break or before cooking dinner.

In Only 10 Minutes

A lot of good happens in 10 minutes dedicated to movement. Whether to boost your formal workout or manage exercise on not-so-fit days, short workouts make it happen. Backed by science (and buff bodies everywhere), mini-workouts work.

Barbara Mascialino, Group Fitness director, shares her favorite mini-workout. It captures the energy she exudes during her classes.

Barbara’s 10-Minute Mini

Replicate the Group Fitness vibe with your favorite class’ songs.
Alternate 15 and 30 seconds, respectively, for six rounds
Push-ups: Maximum reps possible in 30 seconds with 30-second rest intervals
Core work: 1 minute of standing ab exercises (ask for ideas)
Stretching: 1.5 minutes of feel-good stretches

Patricia Bodziak, assistant fitness manager, reveals how she goes from dry to sweat-drenched in 10 minutes.

Patricia’s 10-Minute Mini

Patricia mid-lunge.

Spiderman planks: Variation of traditional plank, alternating knee-to-shoulder movements
Motivators: Jumping jacks with arm alterations at straight up, then 45 degrees, then down at sides
Pulsing lunges: Knee remains slightly off ground, glutes tight; pulse
Mui Thai kicks: Range from toe jabs to knock-down blows. Have fun with them!
Dead bugs: Lie on your back with knees bent. Raise opposite arm and leg to the ceiling, engaging core throughout

Patricia does 10 reps of each for three rounds. For maximum intensity, rotate rounds continuously. Check with a trainer before going all-out ninja.

20 Minutes of Multitasking Movements

A friendly fitness challenge allowed Mark Butler, doctor of physical therapy, to increase 170 modified pushups to 230 standard ones. (Timeframe: 10 minutes daily over two months.) More significantly, the challenge inspired him to integrate other exercises into this mini-routine. The results have been life-changing.

Mark’s Multitaskers & Their Focus

Why walk through when you can pull up?

Push-ups: (work triceps, pectoralis major and supporting muscles, and core)
Modification: Keep knees and lower legs rested on the floor; or execute against a wall or desk.

Pull-ups: (work biceps, grip strength, and latissimus dorsi [largest group of back muscles])
Modification: Place a chair underneath and use leg strength to assist upper body.

Deep squats: (work glutes and quads; increase ankle, knee, and hip flexibility)
Modification: Use a doorframe as your guide. Allow knees to dictate how deep you bend, always keeping knees over toes.

A personal trainer can determine the best rep counts for your fitness level. If you have mobility or joint issues, check with a physical therapist or physician before starting any exercise program.

Mark demonstrates squat with doorframe support.

These exercises focus on complementary muscle groups to provide a full-body workout in minimal time. Comprehensive but compact, this program can be managed anytime. Mark often does his in the evening, when the workout further multitasks as a stress-reliever. Part of a healthy lifestyle, these mini-workouts enhance his overall abilities, from caring for patients to yardwork.


The Benefits

Manageability. A 10-minute workout can be sandwiched into any part of your day. A trainer can create an effective series of exercises that can be executed anywhere, from office to beach; and anytime, while heating food or as part of a morning ritual. Regardless of time or place, you always can find about 10 minutes to solidify your fitness commitment.

In only minutes, you build momentum.

Momentum. Along with increasing endurance, these quick bursts of exercise are motivating. Ten minutes easily can segue into more as your movements become efficient and strength increases. Also, as the immediate perks of a workout are felt, suddenly that “thing you had to do” falls away on the priority list. This feeling of accomplishment motivates future workouts, minis and full length.  

Movement. Studies reflect the risk of being sedentary. The cause for concern continues to grow as research proves the danger of too much sitting or standing still. Mini-workouts throughout your day help prevent everything from back pain to cardiovascular illnesses.

You Are Ready

From beginners to exercise veterans, everyone can jumpstart their health with mini-workouts. Give yourself 10 and see how far you can go.



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