Monday, January 20, 2025

(Ch)Eat Right

by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner

With the 80-20 rule, healthy eating allows indulgences …

The 80-20 diet is based on a tried-and-true philosophy: all things in moderation.  Eighty percent of the time, you practice clean, healthful eating. For the twenty percent, well, you also practice healthful eating—but you make allowances.

In the process, 80-20 dieters become mindful of eating habits and food preparation. Healthful eating becomes a habit as it takes over the majority of meals and snacks. Processed, prepared, unhealthy foods get replaced with better nutrition and the promise of small cheats along the way.

Here’s what the 80-20 rule offers:


Some save the 20% for a splurge meal with friends over the weekend.

Some choose to extend the 80-20 breakout over a week’s time. Hence, its alias is the “weekend diet.” This approach requires diligence throughout the week (the 80 percent), with splurges over the weekend (the remaining 20 percent).

Others opt to use the 80-20 breakdown throughout a 24-hour period. This allows something like a daily cookie or small portion of chips to go with your salad. It feels a little less “cold turkey,” with the 20 percent allowance period spread throughout your day.

You decide what works best for you. It even may vary, as long as 80 percent of the time you maintain a nutritious diet.


No more guilt! No more deprivation! Small treats are allowed.

Unlike fad diets or other gimmicks, 80-20 takes a simple approach. It does not require special ingredients, total restrictions, or deprivation. This boosts its success rate. Rather, it requires a focus on eating healthier and managing any junk-food weaknesses. Moderation is done 100 percent of the time but lax choices are allowed sometimes.

80 percent of the time: According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s guidelines, fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits. The other half should contain lean protein and whole grains with a serving of low-fat dairy.

20 percent of the time: Have a cheat meal like pizza but pair it with a side salad. Or, have a serving of tuna and a side of veggies but enjoy a scoop of ice cream for dessert. Win or win—you decide how to cheat!

Weight Loss

The 80-20 rule is mainly successful at maintaining a healthy weight or shedding a few extra pounds. When attempting more significant weight loss, you may need to follow a 90-10 rule or even an initial period of stricter limitations.

Healthful eating always should remain the focus. This works for everyone, 100 percent of the time. The 80-20 does not require calorie counts or special recipes. It does require a commitment to monitoring what is eaten, when, and how much.

Stay fit 100% of the time.

Eating healthy 80 percent of the time does not permit eating in excess, even if it is a plate of veggies. You still can have too much of a good thing. You can gain weight from overeating even the healthiest choices.

Also, eating too little during your 80-percent times can backfire. Hunger and deprivation will leave you feeling entitled and overindulgent when the 20-percent leeway time arrives.

The goal is to maintain a proper balance of high-end nutrition that leaves room for life’s desserts. By following the 80-20 plan, you can have your whole grains and eat cake, too.


“The 80-20 Rule for Healthy Eating: Enjoy Your Favorite Foods and Maintain a Healthy Weight,” by Malia Frey at


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