My name is Sharon and I have a confession to make. I can no longer button my pants. The fact that I am a personal trainer and cycle instructor makes this an even more difficult confession. I should also mention I’m getting married at the end of the summer. I don’t consider myself a vain person, but a girl likes to look good for her wedding.
Rather than fighting frustration, or blaming my washer and dryer, I decided to follow the advice I give people every day. I’m going to work with a personal trainer. I am more likely to achieve the results I want if I team up with a trainer. Exercising for an event is a great way to kick off a fitness program that will continue well after the event is over.
I know what I need to do, but have not been diligent about doing it. A trainer will give me accountability. I know if I have an appointment, I will keep it. I am also improving the way I eat. (Currently, pretzels make up a large part of my food pyramid.)
Join me over the next six weeks as I travel this exciting personal journey. I will share my experiences, successes, and pitfalls (there are bound to be some) along the way. Through my journey, find something that inspires you and make it yours.
Next week I’ll go over how I got started and you can too!