Saturday, February 22, 2025

Effective Weight Loss Strategies

by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner

You probably heard these before. With a new season starting, it’s time for a reminder. These healthy habits help you lose weight and keep it off …

Avoid Hunger


Healthful meals and snacks should contain sufficient fiber and protein. Otherwise, hunger can strike at the most inopportune times, like while on errands in a world filled with fast-food and sweets. Be sure to kick off your day with breakfast. Studies prove daily breakfast has significant impact on body weight. It helps everything from jumpstarting metabolism to avoiding the mid-morning donut splurge.

Keep Workouts Fresh

Once the body and mind become accustomed to a workout routine, the challenge diminishes. Be sure to really feel your workout– in your muscles, body temperature, and mind. Accomplish healthy exhaustion. Take advantage of the Center’s free personal training evaluations every 6 weeks. Discover new workouts, learn how to use different exercise equipment, and try a variety of Group Fitness classes.

Strength Train

Exercising for weight loss is usually associated with cardio workouts. Aerobic fitness can quickly burn calories. However, strength training builds lean muscles, which help burn calories effectively. Muscle mass increases metabolism, allowing you to better burn calories– even while at rest. Consider weight lifting or using other fitness tools on the Exercise Floor. Don’t be shy! The association of weights with grunt workouts, jocks, and bodybuilding champs is dated. Today, you’ll find a variety of exercisers grabbing the iron, including grandmothers warding off osteoporosis.

Enjoy It

Fun workouts are effective workouts.
Fun workouts are effective workouts.

Fun workouts are the most effective. Why? Because you will do them. A high-intensity, interval session may burn more calories than your favorite Pilates routine. However, you will be more motivated to get off the couch and get busy with your preferred choice. Now, which one burns more calories? Fitness is personal. Treat it as such by customizing workouts to your personality and skill level. After a brief conversation with a trainer or fitness instructor, s/he can advise you on a workout to which you will happily commit.


Once you reach your fitness goal, you may find your wardrobe a bit baggy. Although a new closetful of clothes may be unaffordable, try to replace some essentials. Wearing those elastic-waist pants or loose-waisted jeans can play mental ticks on you at the fridge. Splurge on better fitting items. You will feel good and be limited in your ability to overeat when wearing them. Plus, you deserve it!

Aim for More

Move more.
Move more.

Fitness experts recommend going beyond your usual workout session. This avoids a plateau when trying to lose weight. It also helps maintain already lost weight. In several minutes, you can add an extra set of reps or more mileage on the treadmill. Fall gifts us with beautiful weather. Add daily walks to your Center time. Aim for 60 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Exceed the often recommended minimum of 30 minutes, 5 days a week. Increase movement to consistently decrease that waistline!

With cooler weather and shorter days approaching, now is the time to commit to your healthiest lifestyle. Ward off seasonal depression, increase stamina and immunity, and close the year strong.

Image Credits

Weightlifting (introductory photo):


Exercise ball:

Fall walk: Murrant

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