Sunday, February 23, 2025
Speed up your workout to shorten the length.

Last-Minute Holiday Workout

by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner

Make your way through the heart of the holidays without sabotaging your waistline …

Gifts are purchased. Shopping is finished. Meals are prepared. Family and friends are gathering. Indeed, it is time to sit back and enjoy the fruits–and cookies–of your labor. Somewhat.

Squeeze in a mini-workout. You don't even have to leave the kitchen!
Squeeze in a mini-workout during party-day prep!

With 10 minutes and a small effort, you still can manage a quick calorie-burning workout and a few other healthy tricks. Relieve the stress of being confined in the house with a variety of personalities. Burn off that glass of wine and those cheese puffs. In a flash, you can accomplish this twofer. Your guests may not even realize you left the kitchen!

Consider it the ultimate interval-training method. Before leaving for holiday dinners or parties, or welcoming guests to your own home, give yourself 10!

10 Minutes of Anywhere Exercises:

1 Minute: Walk in place. Raise those knees. Get your heart pumping!

2 Minutes: Increase the pace to a light jog. Run in place.

1 Minute: Perform jumping jacks or pretend to jump rope.

1 Minute: Stretch in every direction. Your muscles are warm. This feels great!

2 Minutes: Jog/run in place.

1 Minute: Do as many squats as possible.

2 Minutes: Walk it out. Circle the furniture. Climb stairs. Cool down.

Now, your body feels the love. Let the festivities begin!

An Important Note

Take five to breathe in the moment.
Take five to breathe in the moment.

If you fit in one or two of these intervals on days dedicated to celebrating, be proud. Just five minutes dedicated to your health on a day you host 25 guests for dinner, or head out with casseroles in hand, is helpful. More than the workout itself, this adherence to commitment keeps you on track.  Even five minutes spent in quiet thought helps you remain true to the wellness journey you travel all other days of the year.

You’ve got this.



Image Credits

Holiday candle:

Kitchen stretch:

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