Friday, March 28, 2025

How About Those New Year Resolutions?

by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner

Summer is when many new year resolutions finally get accomplished. It often takes sunshine, happy weather, and cooperation from the Great Outdoors to make them happen. Take advantage of summertime to meet fitness goals …

Let summer soak into your very being. It is the season of growth and abundance, a time to refresh and renew. In January, you probably set goals for self-improvement. The harsh realities of winter—colds/flu, seasonal blues, and bitter weather—might have been obstacles to success. Let’s allow those worthy-sounding excuses, and move on to the brightness of summer success.


What are your fitness goals? How have they shifted over the past six months?

Are these still relevant goals or do they need updating?

Be flexible about what form achievements take.

Example: If you were hoping to accomplish a spring cycling event, and the cyclists have long since whizzed by without you, it’s time for a new goal. Do not dwell. Set your sights on a fresh objective.

  • Take a Cycle class.
  • Form a group of cycling buddies.
  • Skip the bike altogether and focus on swimming for the summer.

Be Specific

Vague goals like “exercise more” and “lose weight” get vague responses. You may randomly try dieting, sporadically work out, occasionally decline dessert. This may feel significant but will not amount to big achievements.

Write down steps needed to succeed.

Example: If you vowed to lose weight, break down the steps needed to make that happen. Be as specific as possible. Determine actions needed.

  • Take a BODYPUMP™ class and burn about 411calories.
  • Eliminate soda and sugary beverages.
  • Enjoy eight hours of sleep most nights.

Set a Timeframe

Goals without a schedule get detoured. Determine steps needed to reach your goal and put them on a schedule. Evaluate often. Progress helps you stay motivated and committed. Lack of progress indicates a need to revisit goals, determine better ways to accomplish them, and possibly consider their true worth to you. (Maybe cleaning out that closet is not a priority for you now.)

Monitor progress on a schedule.

Example: If you strive to exercise more to improve your blood pressure, set relevant and realistic goals to achieve in a specific time.

  • Day 1: Schedule your free trainer and nurse evaluations as a starting point. Get a baseline blood pressure reading and a heart-friendly workout.
  • Week 3: Add Yoga classes to your routine, known for their ability to lower blood pressure through reduced nervous system activity. Om and ahh!
  • Week 6: Visit the Center nurse for a quick blood pressure reading. Meet with a trainer for your six-week assessment. Adjust your fitness program according to progress. Reward results! (New water bottle, anyone?)
  • Week 12: Time for your free trainer and nurse evaluations again. How has your workout commitment impacted your blood pressure? Are you ready to set a new goal, perhaps including another aspect of your health?

Summer is upon us. With half the year ahead, how far must you travel to reach 2019’s goals? The roads to accomplishment are free of ice and snow now. And inside the Center, the atmosphere is always inspiring.



“6 Ways to Achieve Any Goal,” by Molly Cain at

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