Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Sauna Session, a Healthful Mini-Vacay

by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner

Right now, you are probably craving the soothing warmth of summer. No need to hop on a plane in search of tropical weather. Take a trip to the Center’s steamy sauna …

Enjoy the warmth, jet-lag free, with a quick sauna “getaway.” While relaxing in there, you also may soak up some health benefits. Researchers performed extensive studies on this health practice in Finland, where sauna bathing is highly popular. They linked sauna use to myriad health improvements.

Get Your Cardio On

The increase in heart rate experienced from a sauna’s hot temperature may trigger benefits associated with a totally different kind of sweat session—your workout. The effect is similar to cardiovascular exercise, including lowered blood pressure, improved circulation, and an overall healthier heart. Shout out for some effortless vigorous sweating!

For those who regularly exercise, the sauna’s cardio effects can further enhance outcome. Research confirms a good fitness level, along with frequent sauna bathing, offers increased protection against the risk of cardiovascular and other mortality events. So, don’t quit the treadmill. Instead, add some sauna time.

Enjoy an Endorphin Rush

Saunas are believed to aid in the release of feel-good hormones, called endorphins. According to a report in the journal Alternative Medicine Review, those with mild depression experience improvement after a sauna session. Bathers often emerge relaxed with a healthy, radiant glow. (Being shutoff from the world’s stresses is an added benefit.)

Relieve Congestion (or Prevent It!)

Those who visit the sauna two or more times weekly reduce their risk of respiratory illness and disease, like pneumonia and asthma. The heat opens up airways to help lung function. When suffering from a cold or allergies, time spent in the sauna can relieve sinus pressure and aid breathing. Clear your head without the side-effects of antihistamines and decongestants.

Sauna time has been shown to increase immune function. While the body rids itself of impurities through perspiration, it is believed to simultaneously increase its infection-fighting white blood cells. This response to raised body core temperature is similar to the reaction triggered to fight off a fever. Hence, you may be able to prevent that cold before ever needing relief from it!

Think Sharp

Two to three sauna sessions per week lowered study participants’ risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease by 22% and 20%, respectively, compared to those who only had one weekly. The cardio benefits, like reduced inflammation and improved circulation, are believed to influence brain health by preserving cognitive functioning. Include meditation in your sauna sesh for added clarity of mind.

Joint & Muscle Relief

Aches? Soothe them in the sauna.

In the cold months of winter, our weather-worn bodies deserve to be wrapped in warmth. The sauna envelopes the body, loosening muscles and lubricating stiff joints. Those with arthritis or injuries often find the heat soothing. And whether a fitness newbie or seasoned athlete, sauna time is a healthy reward for the physical demands we require daily and at workouts.


A Great Addition

Health requires a variety of sweat!

Given all the perks, sauna bathing is a great complement to your fitness routine. Many consider it a superficial luxury because of its soothing, relaxing vibe. However, science proves it is a smart addition to a healthy lifestyle. Just don’t skip your other sweat session. We can’t sedentarily soak our way to better health or a trimmer waistline.



“Are Saunas Actually Healthy?” by Jessica Migala at

“Longevity and Health Benefits of Saunas,” by Sharon Basaraba at

“Saunas Linked to Numerous Health Benefits,” Medscape; July 31, 2018.

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