I love my workouts! I actually look forward to Monday mornings. Allison has been gradually, but consistently, progressing me each time I train. Although I slightly gasp every time I see her add more weight, she never gives me more than I can handle. You never truly know what you can accomplish until you try. Allison has also added little surprise challenges each week – squat jumps, power push-ups, and other unexpected moves.

Not wishing to negate the good I accomplish during training, I changed the way I eat as well. I reduced my pretzel intake (can’t eliminate them from life completely) and increased my lean protein and veggie consumption.
Combined with exercising smarter, I was able to lose weight. I also feel better! A constant motivator: My wedding dress. Let’s just say it’s “fitted.”
A few extra pounds could make wedding-day breathing difficult.
Regardless, I am giving myself two more weeks until I try on those pants again.