Sunday, February 23, 2025
My name is Sharon and I have a confession to make. I can no longer button my pants. The fact that I am a personal trainer and cycle instructor makes this an even more difficult confession. I should also mention I’m getting married at the end of the summer. I don’t consider myself a vain person, but a girl likes to look good for her wedding. Rather than fighting frustration, or blaming my washer and dryer, I decided to follow the advice I give people every day. I’m going to work with a personal trainer. Join me over the next six weeks as I travel this exciting personal journey. I will share my experiences, successes, and pitfalls (there are bound to be some) along the way. Through my journey, find something that inspires you and make it yours. Originally, I embarked on this mission as an 8-week boot camp to shape up for my wedding. But, it has become so much more. I have seen the endless opportunities available to me when guided in the right direction.

Sharon’s Wedding Fitness Journey: Surprise!

I have been working with Allison for five weeks. She makes sure I progress steadily through the series of exercises I have been doing. Therefore, I should know what to expect for this training session, right? Wrong! Power lunges, kicks, skips, walking lunges– in addition to the more familiar exercises. Somebody, please pass me a foam roller! And, I lost another pound.

Originally, I embarked on this mission as an 8-week boot camp to shape up for my wedding. But, it has become so much more. I have seen the endless opportunities available to me when guided in the right direction. I look forward to each week’s challenges, and the results they yield.

Allison, I plan to stick around. I hope you have room for me in your fall schedule.

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