Friday, March 28, 2025
My name is Sharon and I have a confession to make. I can no longer button my pants. The fact that I am a personal trainer and cycle instructor makes this an even more difficult confession. I should also mention I’m getting married at the end of the summer. I don’t consider myself a vain person, but a girl likes to look good for her wedding. Rather than fighting frustration, or blaming my washer and dryer, I decided to follow the advice I give people every day. I’m going to work with a personal trainer. Join me over the next six weeks as I travel this exciting personal journey. I will share my experiences, successes, and pitfalls (there are bound to be some) along the way. Through my journey, find something that inspires you and make it yours.

Sharon’s Wedding Journey: First Training Session

As long as I am confessing, I have a few concerns as I go into my first training session, even as a fitness professional. What if I can’t make it through an hour-long training session? What if I fall on my face? The what- ifs keep coming.

I admit I have been slacking a bit on my training. Immediately, I can tell Allison challenges me much more than I challenge myself. She examines and corrects my form. (Even trainers can go astray.) I don’t have to think about what I’m doing next. I am being encouraged, even complemented. I can definitely get used to this.

Several squats, deadlifts, core exercises, and bench presses later, I steal a glance at the clock. The session is almost over. I made it through!

Prior to my first session, Allison and I sat down to discuss my goals. Although I am only interested in losing three to five pounds, I want to increase muscle mass and become stronger. I know by lifting heavier weights, I will gain lean muscle mass without getting bulky. Unfortunately though, I have managed to get “bulky” in another way, by eating more and exercising less, not by lifting heavier weights. Help, Allison! I want to be able to button my pants again.

I’m excited to see what next week brings …

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