Friday, September 20, 2024

Tag Archives: Princeton Fitness & Wellness Center

Exercise Helps Prevent and Control Diabetes

There are 86 million Americans who have prediabetes and are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Exercise can help lower risk and manage symptoms in type 1 and type 2. What follows is more fuel for your fitness journey ...

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The Power of Exercise on Brain Health

Although Alzheimer's disease does not have a cure, research indicates exercise can help protect the brain, even of those genetically predisposed ...

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Breast Cancer Protection Strategies

We cannot eliminate cancer yet, but we can reduce our risk. Here are breast cancer protective factors to include in your healthy lifestyle ...

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7 Healthy Steps to Flavor Your Fall

by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner Let fall’s changing landscape inspire you to evolve your approach to a healthier lifestyle. Here are seven changes to transform your journey … Set Goals Clearly define how you want to close 2015. You don’t need to dig up new year’s resolutions to determine if you reached your goals yet. Likely, you are very aware of the extra pounds you have yet to shed, the closet that remains cluttered, and the other aspirations nagging you since January’s lofty commitments. Focus on three realistic objectives this season. Tackle them! Branch Out Try a new fitness routine. Join a different Group Fitness class. Hit the Exercise Floor and discover a new use for dumbbells. Get in the pool, a novelty this time of year when outdoor aquatics are off limits. Meet with a Center nurse and trainer. Share your fitness and health goals. Determine fun, appropriate ways to meet them. Accept Imperfection Perfect life with acceptance of the imperfect. Don’t deny yourself the occasional sweetness of a few random cookies or the convenience of soup from a can. Forgive yourself for a missed workout. Our journey is a jagged one, with ups and downs. As long as we travel …

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Hurry Up and Relax

Can a hectic lifestyle and relaxation coexist? They can and should! Here's how ...

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