Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tag Archives: Princeton Fitness & Wellness Center

Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Every 68 seconds, someone in the United States develops Alzheimer's disease. Currently, 5.4 million people suffer it. There isn't a cure or treatment. Yet, the worst response is to sit and worry about it. Take action ...

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When Chores Hurt

You hit the exercise equipment, whizzing through at record speed. You pump iron, progressively increasing weight. Each day, you feel stronger and healthier. So, how did you pull your back when moving a bag of groceries ...

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A Match Made in Sneakers

Communication is essential for a long, happy marriage. Evidently, so is a good ...

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Cholesterol: Don’t Fear It, Face It

For many, fitness focus isn't the number on the bathroom scale. High blood cholesterol is the worry. Its ability to climb quietly, without any telltale shift in waistline, makes it easy to ignore and fear ...

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Grumpy? It Could Be Your Diet

You are what you eat. Not to be interpreted as eat a bag of gumdrops and sweeten your personality. What you eat, and don't eat, affects how you feel. Starve no more for a happy mood ...

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