Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tag Archives: Princeton Fitness & Wellness Center

Break the Habit, Build the Body

Are you sabotaging your workout with these bad habits? Get the most from your exercise routine. Tweak it right now ...

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Weight Loss Strategies that Work

Are you ready for shorts and tank tops? The early arrival of hot weather could have you squeezing into summer before expected. Try these methods to prevent waistline madness ...

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That Youthful Glow

Cosmetic surgery used to be for the rich and famous. Today, anyone can get a quick adjustment to their look. Enhancements can even be done after a routine dental exam or spa trip. If Botox isn't on your agenda, but you want to look chipper among the sea of perky faces, here's your solution ...

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Sneaky Reasons for Weight Gain

You toil away on the Exercise Floor, snack on carrots, and skip the cola. Yet, you still gain weight. If this sounds familiar, you could have an underlying medical condition ...

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The Oral Health Factor

Dental hygiene is more than cleanings and the occasional cavity filling. It can provide telltale signs of your overall health. Your mouth speaks without saying any words ...

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