Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tag Archives: Princeton Fitness & Wellness Center

Real Men Visit the Doctor

It may take a certain amount of bravado to make an appointment with a physician. A few extra pounds, a questionable cholesterol level, or a worrisome symptom can make the mere idea seem daunting. Ignorance may be bliss. But, guys, it can also be unhealthy ...

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The Detox Debate

Cleanse or detox diets are the latest trend. Eliminating toxins and waste from the body sounds like a great solution to sluggish energy and excess weight. But, how effective are they ...

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You Can’t Afford Obesity

The year is still fresh. Trends as they are, obesity will rise yet again. Over the past 40 years, obesity has increased from 13 percent to 31 percent in the United States adult population. How many will succumb to this epidemic in 2012? Will you be one of them ...

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Heart Health: Not All Veggies & Aerobics

Two million heart attacks and strokes. 800,000 deaths. Each year. There lies the heart health of America. How is your heart? Keep it beating happily ...

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Pilates: A Quick Fix

Recovering from an injury or surgery can be a frustrating, lengthy ordeal. Accelerate the rehab process and stay in shape. It can be done. Here's how ...

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