Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tag Archives: Princeton Fitness & Wellness Center

Diabetes: Ignorance Is Not Bliss

The statistics are staggering. About 25.8 million people in the United States have diabetes. Seven million of those are undiagnosed. Determine if you're at risk and take preventative measures ...

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Exercise & Sleep Better

Want to improve your health, body weight, mental outlook, career, and relationships? Get some sleep!

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Don’t Let Life Dictate the Scale

Statistics on increasing childhood obesity and America's overall weight problem constantly bombard us. It might not be all Twinkies and TV to blame. Is your lifestyle jeopardizing your family's health ...

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Avoiding Boomeritis– At Any Age

Sometimes, exercise turns into a personal competition. We push ourselves to work out better, more often, and harder. Challenges are necessary, but the effects of being overzealous can land you on the couch. Enjoy a healthier workout by following these fundamental principles ...

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Rebuilding a Life on Resiliency

Battling countless afflictions, member Rita shares how she (literally) got herself up from the ground and became a survivor. More than once. In life's make-or-break moments, how do you react? Build up your resilience. Be inspired by Rita's story of hope...

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