Friday, September 20, 2024

Tag Archives: RWJ Fitness and Wellness Center Hamilton

What Next?

You've made the decision to exercise more. You're ready for action. What's holding you back ...

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Exercise for the Right Reasons

Increase fitness success when you embark on the journey for the right reasons ...

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Finish the Year Stronger

by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner The countdown has begun. Accomplish your 2013 goals, or risk waiting until next year … Maybe you cannot manage a marathon or drop 20 pounds at this late point in the year. Some New Year goals made in January will have to be postponed. Not canceled. You can take steps to further propel you in that direction. By next year this time, you’ll have run, lost, gained, and accomplished– just on an adjusted timescale. Although you may find this a difficult time of year to add a new task to your to-do list, start anyway. It may mean a little more schedule juggling, but it’s better than the alternative: starting the new year with leftover, unmet goals. Whether you have neglected your workout completely, or just fell short of your ambitions, do one thing today to get you back on track. As the saying goes, “If it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would get done.” There is a reason for its popularity. Many function best under the pressure of a looming deadline. January 1 is yours. Achieving a healthier lifestyle in 2013 starts today. Training for that competitive event starts now. Accomplishing a healthy weight begins …

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Redefine December

Does anyone really experience December? What if this month, with all its own wonder, appeared at the end of winter instead of the start. What would we capture ...

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Make It a Healthy Thanksgiving

Probably the biggest meal of the year is about to occur. Your kitchen may be ready, but are you? Take these tips to the dinner table and have a healthier Thanksgiving ...

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