Monday, March 31, 2025

Think Yourself Fit

by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner

Being mindful may help you exercise more. And, when you do exercise, it can enhance results …

Mindful Matters

A recent study made a surprising discovery: the link between mindfulness and physical activity. As we know, physical activity energizes. It has the positive affect of “doing leads to more doing.” However, mindfulness, often associated with mental rather than physical activity, may actually get you off the couch!

In the study, those who were required to meditate were expected to spend more time being sedentary. However, just the opposite occurred. They responded with a steady or slightly increased activity rate, equivalent to study participants placed in an aerobic exercise group.

The Theory

Although more studies are needed, the reason behind the results may be simple. Mindfulness provides opportunities to be aware of how time is spent. If you set an intention to live a healthier life, pausing for mindfulness provides opportunities to evaluate if you are living accordingly. This continuous monitoring seems to encourage actions reflective of those intentions.

You become aware: Hey, did I eat a nutritious lunch today?  Did I accomplish my workout? Should I go for a walk instead of watching another show? These check-ins seem to encourage choices that nurture your intentions. Mindfulness acts as self-accountability.

During the study, those who were mindful through meditation had a more accurate representation of how active they truly were. Interestingly, despite taking time to meditate, they did not decrease their activity level. Rather, their heightened awareness helped them live with purpose by acknowledging their actions and reacting appropriately. As a result, they had a more realistic perception of how they spent their time.

Those in the exercise group had an exaggerated perception of their activity level. They reported being substantially more active; in reality, they only did slightly more activity. Perhaps another reason why we assume one workout can burn off a cheeseburger, fries, and milkshake! Be mindful. Be real.

A New Element of Training

The Center’s holistic philosophy incorporates the mind-body connection. Pilates, yoga, and related fitness methods are typically associated with mindfulness. However, any workout can be a mindful experience.

Additionally, the mind needs to be included when creating a fitness program that will work for the individual. The Center’s personal trainers consider motivating factors specific to the individual when creating fitness programs. For example, why does this person want to lose weight? What sets them apart from the rest? A family history of diabetes? The need for increased confidence? An outgrown wardrobe?

By determining the real motivation behind your goals, a plan can be implemented to reach them. This concept of “bringing your brain” to the game plan helps exercisers enjoy long-term success. Being mindful allows you to reflect on actions and redirect them, if necessary, to remain committed to the life you wish to lead. If that life includes skinny jeans, meditation shows promise as an aid to help increase activity level and achieve that goal. Mindfulness can get you moving!

Amp It Up

Mindful meditation can help get you to the Fitness Floor as well as enhance your time when there. Once you begin your routine, be fully present. Give all your attention to the workout. This is part of its stress-reduction ability. Break from the constant chatter in your brain.

Focus on your movements, muscles, and breathing. Mindfulness also allows you to exercise at an appropriate energy level at any given moment. All these factors ensure a safer, more effective workout.

Here are some things to practice during exercise:

  • Breathe in rhythm with your motions. A trainer or fitness instructor can advise on the most effective breathing method while performing reps and other exercises. A simple function like how you breathe makes a difference in your results.
  • Concentrate on getting stronger and healthier. Learn the specifics behind the mechanics of your routine. Understand which areas of the body you are working, down to the cellular level. Visualize the tremendous process your body is undergoing during each phase of your workout.
  • Truly feel the burn. You are accomplishing amazing things. Acknowledge and respect it.

Want to get fit? Think about it.


“The Amazing Link Between Mindfulness and Muscle,” by Naomi Arnold at

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