Saturday, February 22, 2025

Your Winter Wake-up Call

by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner

An afternoon nap, a steaming latte, movie night. You may be surprised at what winter motivation looks like …

Frigid, dreary days of the season often make joy elusive. It always seems to be hiding somewhere just out of reach. (Behind the latest pile of snow sludge?) Frigid temperatures and miserable colds can make a simple walk to the mailbox a challenge. Misplaced hats and keys, your kids’ mismatched mittens, slippery sidewalks– much seems to conspire against venturing into the outer world. And, cabin fever may be your only visitor. Advice: When stuck “in the cabin,” do as the cabin requires.


Research indicates about 20 percent of Americans succumb to winter blues. Although not as severe as seasonal depression, this saddened state still feels crummy. Don’t fight your instincts. Indulge yourself. Spend time enjoying a steaming hot chocolate surrounded by overstuffed pillows. Line up funny shows or movies to be available at the click of a button. Keep a lighthearted read nearby to distract you from the next snowstorm. Build your own nest and get comfortable. Follow nature’s cue. The earth is providing you with a respite.

Get organized! Tackle indoor chores like filing.
Get organized! Tackle indoor chores like filing. Productivity on a winter’s day lifts mood.

Take this time to accomplish those indoor tasks you’ve been putting off since baseball season.  It is time to repair a leaky faucet, replace a light bulb, organize paper work. These pesky chores add up, often procrastinated until the housebound days common in winter. Create a to-do list and get it done. The sense of accomplishment may become addictive in this otherwise downtime.

Develop a new hobby or continue an old favorite. Learn to sketch, paint, or carve wood. Become a bird watcher. Birds will appreciate the lure of food now as you watch from your window. Journal your way to interior cleansing of your mind. Brainstorm new concepts and ideas. Refresh your life with the tip of a pen.


Once you experience the restorative powers of the season, you will be more motivated.  Lazing away a few hours on the couch may not seem inspiring. However, by giving your body the rest it craves, you return stronger and more productive. This is true any time of year, although we seem to require more rest in winter months. Blame it on our hibernating forest friends.

Brighten your day with an uplifting working.
Brighten your day with an uplifting workout.

Now, get moving! At least twenty minutes of vigorous activity four times weekly has been shown to decrease depressive mood. Activity also helps increase your energy level– the one that plummeted at the arrival of coat weather. Think of post-workout stamina. A fun exercise routine can charge your entire day.

At the Center, the atmosphere is warm and supportive. The workouts can break a sweat even on 10-degree days. Make this your remedy against cabin fever, stiff muscles, and winter doldrums.

If getting out the door is overwhelming, make it easier. Have essentials ready by the door, including all-weather shoes/boots and your gym bag. When snow and ice hold you captive inside, hire someone to clear them for you.

If you are capable, do your own snow shoveling as part of your workout. (If you aren’t capable, meet with a personal trainer to build a snow-shoveling body.) Getting fresh air and sunshine feels wonderful when dressed warmly. Snow and ice can induce feelings of claustrophobia. A clear path to the outer world helps you feel connected, rather than shut-away and lonely.


Be sure to keep in touch with friends and family. Harsh weather forces people to hustle into their homes through the shelter of garages, utilize the drive-thru at every chance, and work out indoors. Opportunities for small talk and friendly encounters outdoors are limited. Keep away loneliness with phone calls, text message check-ins, and scheduled visits.

Plan fun with friends and family. Everyone can look forward to it!
Plan fun with friends and family. Everyone can look forward to it!

Plan a luncheon, coffee date, or movie night. Try a new Group Fitness class with a workout buddy. Host a mini party. Dig out your serving platters and cook up some of those holiday treats. A fun occasion on the calendar brightens your day and that of loved ones.

Don’t let winter blow through without finding ways to enjoy it. Soon, there won’t be many days where you truly can appreciate your favorite blanket.


“10 Ways to Relieve the Winter Blues,” by Madeline R. Vann at

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