Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tag Archives: Princeton Fitness & Wellness Center

Don’t Overdo It

As marathon (and swimsuit) season approaches, many are burning up the Fitness Floor in a race to reach goals. Remember, too much of a good thing can include exercise …

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Quick Ways to Get Healthier Right Now

Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn’t need a huge time investment. Do a few– or all—of these to make today healthier.

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Need a Little Motivation?

If heart health and skinny jeans aren’t getting you on the Fitness Floor today, try some of these …

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Spring Ahead?

Recent weather has energized us with a taste of springtime. Then comes the time change. Hate losing that hour? Here’s how to deal …

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When You Don’t Feel Like Exercising

You’ve been at it since those new year resolutions, yet you still struggle with exercise. What happened to the feel-good hormones fitness is supposed to trigger …?

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