Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tag Archives: Princeton Fitness & Wellness Center

Spring Clean Your Health

Spring inspires us to air out and clean up. Don't be limited to tidying your environment. Take steps for cleaner living through better health ...

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Eat to Live

When cravings hit, it may seem you're living to eat rather than eating to live. Stop the madness. You don't need to eat your way out of winter's harsh clutch ...

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Manage Life’s Balancing Act

Exercise improves balance, and not just your ability to remain upright in less-than-sturdy situations. A workout helps balance those tasks you manage all day long ...

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Learn to Adapt

Let's talk flexibility, and not the pretzel-pose yoga position kind. Being mentally flexible allows us to better adapt to our every day evolving world. And that even trumps toe-touching ...

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Instant Motivation

Need motivation to squeeze in today's workout? Put aside long-term gains. Focus on exercise's immediate perks...

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