Sunday, September 22, 2024

Tag Archives: Princeton Fitness & Wellness Center

Surviving Outdoor Workouts

On bright, beautiful days, there may be times you want to enjoy an outdoor workout. Don't rush out without these precautions in mind ...

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Strength Train Like a Champion

Perhaps you've considered a weightlifting competition. Or maybe a weightlifting program. You could simply be curious about all the equipment on the Exercise Floor. Whatever your interest, here's a light, motivating read on lifting the heavier stuff ...

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Foods to Nourish the Beach Body Within

Diets often focus on avoiding food. Sometimes, eating actually can increase weight-loss efforts. Here are foods to help eat your way thin ...

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Turn Up the Heat without Breaking a Sweat

Temperatures are on the rise, but don't sweat the heat. Take your workouts to the pool, whether at the Center or vacationing at a far-flung resort ...

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Is Happiness Contagious?

You are who you hang around, so they say. And that includes virtually. Science is discovering how our social interactions and networks affect everything from emotions to body weight ...

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