Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tag Archives: Princeton Fitness & Wellness Center

Just Plain Old Tired

It's the time of year when energy levels seem to slowly dip in harmony with outdoor temps. Energize your autumn days ...

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Do Your Genes Fit?

Termed "the fat gene," research continues to prove it exists. However, it does not necessarily determine the fate of your weight. Empower yourself, even when the odds seem to weigh heavily against you ...

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Get Smarter with Exercise

The season for learning is upon us as schools reopen everywhere. Boost your brain, without any pencils. Exercise makes you smarter. Here's how to thrive ...

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Life After Vacation

Summer's end is quickly approaching. Here's how to energize the last days to make the most of it, even if your vacation already has passed ...

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Achieve Your Summer Body Yet?

Slowly but surely, the days are growing shorter. Where are you with your summer weight-loss goals? Did you fit back into last year's swimsuit yet? The clock is ticking ...

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